Planned Giving

Supporting Our Parish

Our parish creates a strong positive presence in our communities, and enjoy essential partners in our Catholic schools. Our Catholic identity finds fluent expression through them.

The Catholic Church has a strong tradition of giving that follows in the footsteps of St Paul who spoke about caring for one another; it has established and supported many worthwhile charities throughout its long history.

This culture of charity continues on, but a parish can only sustain itself and these charitable works with the help of its parishioners whose generosity makes great things possible. We ask you to consider this when thinking about your charitable commitments to your parish. A church is not merely a building but the people who breath life into it.

Planned Giving

Money from the Planned Giving (envelopes) supports the maintenance of the parish buildings and pastoral programs. The parish must work within its own budget and is unable to draw funds for expenses from any source other than its own parish income. Loans for church works are permitted as long as they can be serviced.

Some of the expenses covered are:

  • Parish running costs, e.g. administration, insurance, utilities, general maintenance and upkeep of the church, presbytery and parish property,

  • Parish staff salaries including superannuation.

  • Priests' car expenses.

  • Charitable Works Fund shortfall.

Currently there is a tax-deduction of 30% available on Planned Giving.


  • Repairs to Parish Centre (demountable). Completed 2022.

  • New electric piano installed in church. Completed 2022.

  • Repairs of blocked stormwater drain, near outside toilets of hall. Completed 2022.

  • Improved lighting around outside toilets of hall. Completed 2022.

  • Upgrading of multifunction printer/copier, reducing on-going costs. Completed 2022.

  • Resurfacing area between church and presbytery. Due for completion early 2023.


Your generosity in supporting the good works of the Church is gratefully acknowledged. Each person's capacity to give is different and depends on individual circumstances and you are not expected to give anything more than is reasonable.

New chairs for the hall and Loreto Place 2022.

Upgraded exterior lighting, 2022.